where to place selenite on the body

As far as selenite crystal meaning goes, the name was derived from the Greek goddess Selene, who was the goddess of the moon. For a Selenite crystal to do its work, you must also be willing enough to accept the changes that it will bring to your life! The combination of these two stones is highly beneficial, as they both greatly enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities. To use Selenite as part of a reiki practice, youll need both a wand and smaller stones to place at the chakra centers. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, shes passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality. They can be neatly laid under your pillow and go relatively undetected, unlike the princess and the pea scenario. Some of these stones reached up to 2 meters long, which made them officially the largest selenite stones ever recorded. For these reasons, selenite is the perfect crystal to add to your meditation space. It helps you focus, form ideas, think critically, and solve problems. Similarly, the energy you pick up can dim your own energy, which is why energy clearing is so important for your spiritual, emotional and energetic well-being. Since all of the properties remain the same, orange selenite can also be used for the purpose of spiritual ascension and connecting to ones eighth chakra. As Leavy notes, selenite is mainly used for energetic cleansing. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like the following articles: 13 Best White Crystals and Gemstones: Complete Guide. One of our favorite places to put Selenite is on the windowsill so it can catch the light from outside, but placing it anywhere prominent in your home will ensure that it can uplift the energy of the space and keep your home a high vibe sanctuary. If you are interested in incorporating crystals into your life, you should consider a mindful breathing necklace made of a crystal that resonates with you. Conclusion All in all, it's widely believed that crystals can do way more than look pretty. Amethyst is one of very few other stones with the energetic capacity to connect to the eighth chakra. Its a wonderful tool of enlightenment when it comes to your life, your spirit, and all the things and people that you interact within this world. It can also heal your body with the healing energies that it possesses! SO excited to introduce you to the Easy-Open Velcro Front . Given that selenite is so great for energy clearing, one simple way you can work with it is by sweeping the body free from any unwanted energies, Leavy says. Make use of a soft toothbrush (emphasis on the soft!) This gemstone is most often used for cleansing and relaxation. Thank you, loved and enjoyed your article on selenite. This makes selenite wands very versatile. It will make you feel hopeful and strong, even when things dont always work out. Where Do You Put Selenite? According to Askinosie, selenite may be just the thing your nighttime routine is missing. When working with Selenite for plugging into the light, use the following crystal intention: I am filled with the highest vibrations of love and light.. Surrender to the stone and youll surrender into slumber. Selenite is a symbol of consciousness and clarity. Selenite has a myriad of uses and benefits, with energy clearing being its most notable property. They can also be slipped under your pillow for help with insomnia, and are flat enough that you wont be able to feel them through the cushioning. Simply put the crystal in the room and allow some time for the healing properties to take effect. It has a texture similar to clay and is pearly white in color. One of the most popular stones in history for protection purposes, Jade has been revered for thousands of years as it possesses some truly incredible healing powers. The most popular places would be the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the living areas. It's gentle loving energy can help alleviate the symptoms. Being of green ray energy, green selenite will work more closely with the heart chakra, in addition to the aforementioned energy centers. Clear selenite is not more or less powerful than any other forms of selenite stone. Its a very pale, flamingo-like pink that may even look a little orange in certain lights. This stone is excellent for helping one reach higher consciousness, and helps them to connect with the divine and transcendental realms. Wearing Selenite in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the Selenite crystal meaning throughout the day. Let's get started! Its high vibration carries calmness and peace. Your days of wondering when you will finally find love will soon be over. If youre having problems getting pregnant, keep a Selenite close to your body every day. This is an excellent stone to use in the construction of protection grids. Aug 31, 2022 In this post, I share an easy, 3-step process for programming your crystals to work with your intentions! Selenite wands form on their own in nature; these are not devices that are made by man. That being said, its worth noting that high quality selenite is actually found on every continent on Earth. It seeks to bring both sides into total alignment, and in the process, any manifestations of imbalance (illness) can be eradicated. She has a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing. Selenites natural healing properties can remove any blockages that are preventing the healthy flow of good energies throughout your body a room. These two stones are very often confused, however if you know what to look out for, its actually quite easy to tell them apart. Pink stones tend to work toward attracting or amplifying the presence of unconditional love in ones physical experience. Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. Deals starting at $7. 12 avril 2023 In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about selenite, including its meaning, benefits, properties and uses. Contrary to popular belief, selenite knives are not actually used to cut things. They are simply shaped like daggers, and are intended for the very same purpose that a typical selenite wand would be. It can make your true light shine bright and your real nature show. Crystal wands are conductors of energy. By mimicking the stone, subconsciously, sleep comes easily and a good night's rest can be enjoyed. Even if they cant explain how or why theyve become so intrigued by you. More than this, they can be great to use during meditation or for the purpose of rolling over the physical body for healing purposes. This is a stone of calmness, peace and tranquility. Moonstone has a far more radiant and sheer luster, and usually refracts the entire light spectrum somewhere in its stone body. Youre likely to pay around $100 for a decent selenite lamp, with certain brands reaching upward of $300. the soul star chakra. Selenite and the moon have a very special bond, so moon energy is usually the best way of activating a selenite stone. These are great to keep in your handbag, or on a coffee table display. While they all have the same effect, they can be either strategically hidden in a windowsill or above a door frame or displayed for everyone to see when featured as a table lamp. Because selenite is used for clearing on its own, some people don't think it needs to be cleansed itself. Its a gleaming, gorgeous stone and it brings in the properties of intuition and trust. Leave selenite under the light of the full moon once a month. Everything that you want to happen in your romantic life can be made possible by tapping into its energies. This is a good practice to have, especially when youre surrounded by so many people every day. Aesthetically, these two lamps couldnt be more different. Both methods are equally effective in cleansing your energy field and your mind, body and spirit to restore your natural state of being. To complete your crystal practice, place a Selenite crystal or selenite tower in your space. These are also uncommon finds, and bear all of the same properties as regular selenite. We encourage everyone to invite protection into their lives through the use of stones such as selenite. This protects your aura from harm. If you find that you are easily distracted or find it difficult to concentrate on just one thing at a time, Selenite and its energies could be just the remedy. Selenite wands and sticks will work best for slim window sills, but selenite lamps, towers, and spheres make great decorations on larger window sills. The crystals are said to look like flowers (hence the name) and are often found in clusters of hundreds of small crystals. Add pieces of selenite to the windowsills in every room of your home for a protective boost, she suggests. But a Selenite crystal that has lost its luster will be less effective in transmitting its energies to you and those around you. They may only have been cut or shaved into more uniform formations, but the stone itself remains raw and untreated with polish or any other aesthetic additions. Most famously, Leavy adds, there's an incredibly large deposit of selenite in a cave nearly 1,000 feet under a mountain in Chihuahua, Mexico. The vibrations that Selenite gives are more of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one. If you really want to cleanse your selenite wand, simply run it under some water for a few seconds before towel drying. Besides energy clearing, the Selenite crystal healing properties are also powerful for other spiritual and energetic practices like meditation, reiki, breath work, yoga, and cord-cutting. Then we have the selenite magical properties. A decent sized selenite wand retails for around the same price as the palm stones, if not less. Amblygonite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Rhodochrosite: Meaning, Properties and Powers, Vesuvianite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, The Best Crystals To Use And Combine With Selenite, My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Selenite. Most people purchase selenite dust to sprinkle in their gardens for the purpose of protecting the perimeters of their homes. It works to . The western, eastern, and southern states are the most abundant in selenite. This crystal has exceptional protective properties; it deflects negative energy outwards (such as that emitted by Black Tourmaline) while strengthening your immune system so you are less susceptible to illness or disease. Are some locations more effective than others? And they can also magnify the energies of anything that is placed on top of them, making them a powerful energy amplifier of your other healing crystals. This Cobalt Blue variety of Chalcedony has a strong protective energy which deflects bad energies outwards and dissolves negative situations. When a piece of selenite is excavated and sold in its roughest formation, it is known as raw selenite. You may also want to place a protective crystal by the front door, such as black tourmaline. At CrystalsAndJewelry.com, we take great pride in offering an exhaustive resource for all things related to crystals. It will lift you up to a higher level of awareness and help you become the best lover, partner, and friend that you can ever be! If you have concerns about your physical or mental health, you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. When you are in a committed relationship but things are starting to feel strained and you no longer feel connected to each other, Selenite can work on bringing you back together and restoring what was lost in your relationship. They usually come already attached to a chain or rope, however you can easily make your own selenite pendulum with a pendant-sized stone, some wire, and a suspension device of any sort. The more you cleanse it, the more negative energies you will remove. The last step in your crystal program for clearing your energy is to bring the stone into your environment. Having it in your possession can help you better understand your connection to the universe. All rights reserved. This is useful. Lepidolite recharges itself during the night so its ready to block new attacks or harmful influences first thing in the morning! White selenite will be the most frequent find for you during your quest to own a piece of this crystal. Fragrance free. Thanks to the strong links between it and your rational side. As Leavy notes, selenite is commonly used for clearing blockages at energy centers. Because of its soft nature, it was used in the manufacture of vases that hardened when fired in a kiln at low temperatures. Whether you choose to wear a bracelet, necklace, or earrings, keeping the Selenite crystal meaning close to your body will allow you to tap into its high vibrations and use it as a source of light as you go about your day. Selenite has a certain steadiness to it and a way of helping you to see the bigger picture. Selenite helps you to relax and feel at peace. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. But it can help you to be more discerning about who you open your heart and mind to as well. Kyanite can be used to protect against geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, environmental toxins and dangerous pathogens. If you feel tight or tense, place a Selenite crystal on the area in question. Id love to hear from you in the comments below! In addition to daily energetic maintenance, the Selenite crystal meaning is powerful for an on-the-spot treatment when you find yourself in a lower vibrational state. It makes a wonderful stone for meditation; placing it on the third eye can ease headaches and those who wear or carry this crystal will feel more comfortable in their own body. Selenite is a stone of love. Here Selenite forms crystals that are often clear and colorless, but they can also be white or pink. By becoming aware of the energy of Selenite, we can begin to feel our worries and thoughts fade away. Most crystals can be easily tumbled into egg shapes, commonly known as yoni eggs. And if you love someone but cannot seem to get past the friend zone, Selenite can help shift the romantic energies surrounding the both of you. Some of these energies stay with you and affect your own energies. "I'd say that's the primary go-to meaning or purpose for working with selenite," she adds. Selenite will work alongside Celestite, strengthening its ability to raise vibration even further and remove negativity from your life. AngelGrotto.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. CrystalsAndJewelry.com has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. In combination with Selenite, Larimar creates an incredibly soothing atmosphere where relaxation and calm reign supreme. You can find them in the Sacred Spaces section of our website. Together, they form a unique crystalline mineral with a structure that looks like a rose made out of rock. It is estimated that it would have taken 500,000 years for just one of these crystals to have grown in these conditions. It will inspire you to believe in the power of love. It brings tranquility and heavenly contact to any practice. The piece is also said to aid dis-ease (mental, emotional or physical) by removing blockages that may be hindering the healing process. Selenite is not only a protective stone that will keep negative energies away. She recommends cleansing it deeply with a method that's appropriate. A selenite bracelet will bring that hemispheric balance to both sides of your body, helping the state of the spine and thus correcting any imbalances caused as a result of the previous state. You can also place them underneath your bed so that you can sleep like a baby all through the night. Privacy Policy and ; Selenite, a satin spar, desert rose, or gypsum flower, is four crystal structural variants of the mineral gypsum. You may want to place a selenite lamp next to other stones, as these will be continuously cleansed and recharged. Its superior benefits are excellent for achieving clarity of mind and higher guidance. It is easy to feel the moon goddesss energy envelop you as you gaze upon its brilliance and move it around your energetic body and auric field. Selenite bowls can be used as charging plates, and one can place their smaller crystals into the unit and leave them there to be cleaned and recharged. In fact, with the right approach, Selenite can more or less maintain itself. One popular bundle is cinnamon and selenite due to the immense protective properties of cinnamon. It will raise the energy of the crystals around it and your energy too. You can then use the wand to scan your body, moving it in a circular motion around your energy field, or place it on specific areas of your body that need healing or attention. Both Cobalt Blue and Selenite work together to raise ones vibration, encouraging them to be more present in the here and now. A selenite crystal can live in a variety of places in your home. There is little to no uniformity. This stone also reminds us that we are always connected to the universe. So its a must-have in everyones jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. While these are very easy to find from online sellers and at metaphysical stores, they are also incredibly easy to make. Pink selenite is a wonderful stone to gift to a friend or newborn baby. There is great benefit that comes from introducing one of these devices to your home space. The versatility of selenite crystal means it can be placed in various locations to harness its benefits. This beautiful blue stone possesses powerful protection properties which work on all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual. Selenite is often regarded with awe in metaphysical communities for the abundance of energetic, healing, and cleansing properties it holds. Selenite is softer than gypsum and is often found as botryoidal masses. It encourages complete trust in the universe, removing any doubt or fear that one may have. Just allow the energies of Selenite to clean your aura. Tip: There are many other healing crystals you can use to enhance meditation. Bury your selenite in the garden and leave it here for up to 48 hours. Its also called the Satin Spar, Maria Glass, or Desert Rose. It allows the healing spirit to travel across the body without any hindrance. Mary is a spiritual teacher, therapist and writer from the UK. According to Leavy, another benefit of selenite is that it can enhance one's spirituality or meditation practice. Forget about it, and allow it to work its magic as you focus on nothing at all. Be sure to check out our full guide for cleansing and charging crystals for more information. As mentioned above, selenite looks a lot like a well-structured building when standing upright, so these towers make for great home display pieces. Its a massive learning opportunity for anyone who has been seeking gratification from preconceived ideas as to what love is supposed to be. Crystal lovers can tell the difference merely by holding one of each stone in the palm of their hand. When worn as an accessory, Selenite crystals can help remove blockages in your body. Indeed, Selene, the moon goddess, loves to wear a crown of the crescent moon itself on her head. Most samples these days come from Morocco or the United States. Others may place the dust on a plate and leave it underneath a bed or couch in a room that they feel needs cleansing from negative forces. Forget about it, and allow it to work its magic as you focus on nothing at all. Any impurities or imbalances that have embedded themselves within your field will be removed or evened out. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. You can "bathe" your selenite in a sound bath or leave it in direct moonlight on the night of a full moon. Although it sharpens your mind, Selenite also helps to make sure that you dont fall victim to overthinking something we all do from time to time. Selenites vibration works perfectly with gold as it is an excellent stone for awakening higher states of consciousness. The lamp will work to clear out whatever negative energies are floating around your home environment. Selenite is a powerhouse of a crystal, and if youve found your way to this page its certain that your subconscious is subtly calling for some energetic interaction. Youv PROTECTION ABUNDANCE ENERGY OPTIMIZATION, A Room-by-Room Guide to Using Crystals for the Home, 8 Crystals for Money, Wealth & Prosperity & How to Use Them. It will increase the vibration of any stone or mineral that it is combined with, as well as enhancing their healing properties and supercharging them for your specific intent. Polished stones have become sought after objects for many consumers, however this requires human intervention post excavation. This works particularly well when you combine it with some Garnet. Placing the healing selenite on the heart chakra or rubbing the crystal around the energy points unties the knots and the energy blockage in the body. I cant say I was surprised Selenite has long been known for its strong vibration. While any selenite shape will work, a selenite tower or a selenite candle holder are two great options. In this article we discuss the following: Selenite crystal is a variety of the mineral gypsum. Selenite charging plates and bowls are devices that are designed to hold more than one crystal at a time, so you can clean and recharge them in bulk. If you have a large Selenite plate, you can lay your other stone on top of the stone overnight to recharge. There are strategic areas of the house to put selenite in order to reap the most benefits. Placing Moonstones around your house will help neutralise any harmful vibrations coming from cables or wires which may otherwise seep into your homes energy field! By placing a Selenite crystal upon your forehead, you can feel the energy of your guardian angels coming down upon you. As Askinosie adds, selenite brings mental clarity thanks to its clearing properties. They are an alternative to the conventional crystal wand, one could say. These are invaluable pieces, as far as we are concerned, and will save you hours of cleansing and charging rituals each month. The main areas for collecting are the USA, Mexico, Canada, Slovenia (Europe), Australia, and Brazil. A home office to promote clarity and focus. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Place Selenite crystal balls on the coffee table or as the centerpiece of the room; this allows for the energies to emanate equally through the space and ring group harmony. Simply wrap a stick of selenite with a similarly sized cinnamon stick in twine, and place one in each windowsill of your home. Selenite Metaphysical Properties and Benefits. If you wish to use water to clean selenite, you should do so by simply giving it a quick rinse. The striations that you can find on the Selenite crystals surface serve as a pathway for the spirit. Selenite can be found all over the world, particularly in the U.S., Australia, and Greece. Because selenite is one of few stones that is suitable for the purpose of pendulum work. If you are working on raising your vibration and plugging into the light, create a Selenite crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space. It also gives mothers-to-be and their unborn children protection all throughout the pregnancy. Just like Amazonite, it will toss your fears out the window and replace them with excitement, hope, and a sense of adventure. Large or small, the benefits of selenite remain the same, and there is no need to splurge on the less affordable pieces in hopes it will shoot your psyche into another realm. But that is only the literal meaning of Selenite there exist important spiritual meanings, too. They make for great commitment rings and placeholders for those who cant yet afford proper engagement pieces. By and large, there is no right or wrong way to let Selenites energies cleanse and heal you and those whom you love. They reflect our personality and our interests, so Everyones been given safe, sensible financial advice at some point in their lives. The soft white appearance of the stone is a perfect reflection of its gentle but highly effective energy, which emits white light and high vibrations. A raw cut of a stone means youre pretty much getting at as it comes out of the Earth. Amazon is one place to look for good deals on selenite, particularly wands. As a bonus, it also helps to amplify the healing effects of your energy! One of the most notable selenite qualities to mention relates to how these stones work with the chakra system. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. It will work alongside other Clear Quartz crystals, Calcite, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Beryl, Aquamarine, Citrine and many others. Having these crystals hang from the ears as you go about your day means they have ample opportunity to balance and work with these energetic hubs, even when you are not aware of it. Jade works extremely well when combined with Selenite for protection purposes they both offer formidable shields against outside energies so work together harmoniously to create an impenetrable force-field of protection. The Selenite crystal meaning is connected to the higher chakras, namely the crown chakra which is the center of higher consciousness. Luckily though, this is not manipulative or affecting any notions of free will. The Himalayan lamps are a wonderful pink color and are generally quite mismatched in terms of size and shape. It also stimulates mental clarity, promoting creative thought processes, problem-solving skills and insights. This is particularly potent with a selenite wand or blade, she adds. When you have all these things going for you, it will be easy to succeed in any project or endeavor! Selenite is closely associated with the crown chakra. They also help to bring strong feelings under control. Thank you for reading! The dose required to induce an adverse reaction when exposed to selenite would be exceptionally high, and thus it is highly unlikely that youll ever need to worry about this. Did you know that the moon is recharged every day by the light of the sun? Also, Selenite represents spiritual rejuvenation. There are many potential places to put selenite, but my favourites are: Do you have any questions about placing selenite in your home? The clear variety is found in sedimentary deposits all over the world. zerostart block heater catalog 2020 where to place selenite on the body. Vegan friendly. If yes, or no, how worth it is it to argue about it? Jewelry Inc. All Rights Reserved. Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on crystalsandjewelry.com. Not only does it have this powerful effect on you, but it also has a similar effect on your crystals and your environment. You can also place a Selenite crystal stone over your chest to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. You can use Selenite to charge any type of crystal. Selenite wands are often referred to as liquid light, and are the most natural, unrefined form of these crystals. These are both highly protective and absorbing stones, so you get the best of both worlds when you wear them together. Selenite, as a necklace, is usually used by individuals who are concerned about the environmental pollutants that they are absorbing on a daily basis. The best thing to use a selenite wand for is auric cleansing. Selenite will only work in your favor if you also spend the energy required to make things happen! To enhance your crystal practice for plugging into the light, keep a Selenite wand in your purse or pocket to keep its light energy with you so its available whenever you need it most. Selenite promotes a feeling of harmony and is unlikely to make you the hard nose entrepreneur who puts money and workaholism before all else. They are an inexpensive way to get involved with this crystal, as one can use the beads to make DIY jewelry. Enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities puts money and workaholism before all else your state. Our worries and thoughts fade away wand retails for around the same price the! Gorgeous stone and youll surrender into slumber believed that crystals can do way more than look pretty a protective,... Are generally quite mismatched in terms of size and shape or fear that one have. 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