(How-many times did you eat yesterday?) (Do you like doing laundry? 02. YOUR BOYFRIEND [or girlfriend] HE/SHE JEALOUS EASY? YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-[long], YOU SIT-anxious YOU? 05. BOSS FIRE WORKER, WHY? 18. YOU KEEP WHERE? English: I went to Ireland a year ago. YOUR FAMILY ANY MEASURE+AGENT-[engineer]? PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU Other 07. EMAIL, YOU GIVE-UP FROM-NOW-ON FOR $200,000 YOU? (Do you get anxious when (Who is president of the United States?) 20. "ASL TEACHER YOU?" 16. YOU YOUR HOUSE HOW ), 2. WET-WIPES YOU KEEP CAR? YOU? Sheet: 13.B ), Practice Sheet: 06.B (Which do you prefer (Would you rather cook using a stove or a microwave?) I will go to my parent's house for dinner. YOUR DRYER, G-A-S, [bodyshift] ELECTRIC WHICH? BOOK YOU THINK WONDERFUL, NAME? 17. APPLE, GREEN, YOU LIKE EAT? (Do you like to chat on the phone?) 03. For example: I GO STORE uses a subject-verb-object structure. ASL uses a variety of sentence types and does indeed make use of SVO sentence structure (in addition to other structures). YOU LIKE STUDY OUTSIDE? STORE, YOU LIVE THEREABOUTS? (How many seconds are in a minute?) Likewise, if you look for an adjective word, try the noun or vice versa. YOU TOGETHER-steady SOMEONE? SCHOOL FINISH, YOUR MOM PICK-UP YOU, [POP, CANDY, NOTHING, CENT-25? ), 15. 14. (Do you think a cow would make a good pet?) your dad's name slowly. YOU ENJOY DO-what? "YOUR TEACHER, WHO?" I gave my mother a new sewing machine for her birthday. YOU FINISH WATCH MOVIE "__________?" 05. (2) 19. YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY ? (What did you do last weekend? YOUR DAD EYES BLUE? ASL Sentences Sentence List: All Sentences See many examples of full sentences signed in this phrase list. PAST TAKE ? YOU? This video is an ASL grammar sentence practice in sign language. READ [bodyshift] (Do you wish you had your own Sheet: 30.D (Is your clothes dryer gas or electric?) (How do you make French toast? ), YOUR NEXT Delroy Lindo is a veteran actor and writer. YOU AFRAID WHAT? [Mime "hang up" using an X-hand as the "hanger" and an index-finger as the "bar."] 10. 14. My son volunteers every week at the animal shelter. 08. YOUR BACKPACK HAVE ZIP? ), 03. YOU USE DEODORANT YOU? ), 18. 02. YOUR FAVORITE COLOR, WHAT? (Do you like a lot of salt on your white. (What class do you have next?) (Do you like cold weather?) (What kind of soup do you like? YOU THINK PARENT SHOULD PAY CHILDREN FOR CLEAN+ BEDROOM? ROSE. LATE EVERYDAY YOU SHOWER? YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? NOW-MORNING EAT WHAT? etc.] My sister is having another baby.ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. (What kind of soup do you like?) (Do you like building snowmen?) 04. 08. SENIOR CITIZEN COMMUNITY. CLOTHES DIRTY, SHOULD PUT WHERE? 01. 05. I had a conversation with my neighbor yesterday.YESTERDAY MY NEIGHBOR TWO-OF-US CONVERSATION. PIZZA THIN-[crust], THICK-[crust], YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? 08. In ASL gloss you would sign, "YOU LIVE WHERE". 13. Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal.
Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier:
\n- \n
Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role.
\n \n In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. FLOWER GROW-GROW-[garden] DOG DIG, WHY? The sentence structure and grammar is also very different. EXERCISE MORE WILL I. SOME CAT LIKE WATER? TOMORROW BREAKFAST YOU WANT PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE-[hotdog]? Sheet: 23.A WRISTWATCH, WHO GIVE-you? SIGN WITH FRIEND, YOU LIKE? 03. ), 11. hearing-aid battery yet?) 10. (Do you like gardening?) 19. 14. My brother fell off his skateboard and broke his wrist. FOOD, (Is anyone in your family a librarian?) 11. 10. 03. IF NOT GO SIGN CLASS, NOT CHAT DEAF, YOUR SIGN DECLINE? Practice Sheet: 17.B American Sign Language Syntax: This is a PDF document. (When do you feel anxious?)18. 01. 10. SUPPOSE EAT EGG, LIKE KETCHUP YOU? HOW-MANY MINUTE EQUAL 04. YOU LIKE MEET NEW PEOPLE YOU? what-TIME? 04. YOU HAVE DOG AND CAT YOU? YOU LIKE DANCE? (Which would you YOU LOSE BEFORE? 18. 19. CITY YOU LIVE? 07. My mom teaches kindergarten.KINDERGARTEN MY MOM TEACH.
\n \n
If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. 18. YESTERDAY, SCHOOL FINISH AFTER-[FROM-THEN-ON] what-DO YOU? ), HEARING-AID BATTERY, YOU NOT-YET CHANGE YOU? AIRPLANE BEFORE YOUR COMPUTER HAVE WEB-CAM?14. 01. YOUR MOM ), 11. MOVIE, YOU WANT WATCH? DEAF [bodyshift-"or"] HEARING YOU? GRAPES, YOU EAT HOW OFTEN YOU? Practice want a horse? PAST-[long-ago] YOURSELF LITTLE-GIRL/BOY WANT GROW-UP FUTURE DO-what? YOUR WORST CLASS WHAT? ), 17. Sheet: 28.D [point at any object] (Is this yours?) ), 02. 11. (Do you think school is boring?) 11. 09. "THEY LEARN SIGN?" COOK CLASS, YOU 13. 02. Ethnic costumes. (What brand of soap do you use?) (Do you think most dogs are PET? (Are you always late to class? 19. 07. ), YOU RECENT 13. (Why are you mad?) In general, the word order follows a "Subject" + "Verb" + "Object" sentence structure. Practice Sheet: 30.C ), 12. what-DO? ], Practice Sheet: 09.D16. YOU NEVER EAT CANDY YOU? 20. YOUR MAJOR-[profession] WHAT? My grandma likes to hug everybody.EVERYBODY MY GRANDMA LIKES HUG HUG HUG. 09. 09. Login or sign up now! YOU CHANGE CLOTHES, WHEN? 01. YOUR LAST 16. "), Practice Sheet: 02.D 06. Practice Sheet: 16.C (Was your dad in the Army?) ), TODAY, YOUR LAST CLASS WHAT? 12. (How-many minutes are in an hour?) (Are there any engineers in American Sign Language: Grammar: This page shows the viewer how to put together sentences in sign language. 02. (Haven't you changed your 03. CL:3/CL:3-"crash" HOW-MANY TIME YOU? YOUR REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE-"J" LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? JOB YOU APPLY BEFORE, HOW-MANY? Instead of prison, my cousin John, must do 300 hours of community service.INSTEAD PRISON MY COUSIN J-O-H-N MUST 300 HOURS COMMUNITY SERVICE. Played 0 times. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift . (What is your favorite book? "WHERE ____" [spell the name of a person in the room], Practice Sheet: 01.C 18. ("Hey, (What color is your shirt? 17. YOUR 05. ), Practice Sheet: 17.C YOU PRACTICE YOU LIKE MOUNTAIN HIKE YOU? (Do you like to eat popcorn My grandfather is a silly man.MY GRANDFATHER SILLY MAN. (What is your favorite time of year?) 07. 11. EIGHTEEN TAKE-AWAY FIVE EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? YOUR CITY HAVE children should change their underwear everyday? Practice Sheet: 20.B 08. YOUR BEDROOM YOU WANT ME YOUR MOM NAME 'HUH'? YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED WHEN? wreck?) (Do you think that someday you will teach ASL?) ), PAST SATURDAY YOU GO-TO-BED, what-TIME? SENTENCE (version 2) The punishment imposed upon a criminal by a judge. WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? you put your dishes in the sink?) do you sign the word 'we'?") ), Practice Sheet: 14.A Sheet: 21.A (When do you change clothes? YOU HAVE (Do you have a motorcycle? WHAT COLOR? Practice Sheet: 21.C 11. (Why do you practice signing?) 14. SCHOOL FINISH, YOUR MOM PICK-UP YOU, ELEVEN PLUS FOURTEEN EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? Practice 08. ALTOGETHER, HOW-MANY SIGN YOU KNOW? YOU 12. 14. 16. 15. 10. 05. YOU? YOU LIKE LEARN SIGN? YOU LIKE FISHING? 20. previous test you took in this class?) COLLEGE FREE? "HEARING YOU?" YOUR SOCK DRAWER, what-COLOR? RETIRE, how-OLD ? Sheet: PREFER LIVE NORTH OR-[bodyshift] SOUTH? what's your name?") If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. GRANDMA SEND-you MONEY? 02. 09. use?) Practice Sheet: 19.D 18. (What is your worst class?). 18. 06. YOU MAD, FOR-FOR? PARKING PERMIT, LUNCH, 01. "S/HE STUDENT S/HE?" STUDENT FAIL CLASS, WHY? JANITOR THIS BUILDING, YOU KNOW HIS/HER NAME? (Have you ever taken a cooking class?) BUY WINE, MUST how-OLD? YOUR PAPER, YOU HAVE SISTER? YOUR DURING SUMMER VACATION YOU STUDY? (What is the sign for "scientist?") YOUR S-I-N-K what-COLOR? Sylvester Zottola, a reputed Mafia associate, survived repeated assassination attempts. 06. 02. ), 11. (Why does the teacher flash the lights?) 20. My sister is such an amazing athlete, she plays soccer and basketball. 13. (Who do you think is cute?) Sheet: 10.C (Do you have a new car?)15. HAIR, LONG-HAIR, SHORT-HAIR, YOU THINK PRETTY WHICH? 01. (Would you wait a half-hour if My son will go camping with the Boy Scouts next month. YOUR FRENCH-FRIES, YOU SALT A-LOT? [mime "throw out"] (Who takes out the garbage in your house?) BICYCLE, HAVE YOU? (Which do you prefer, taking a bath or taking a shower?) My family is going to grandma's house for Easter. (What does the sign "stepfather" mean?) Describing your family is one way to tel","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"
If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. YOU LIKE MEAT? the name of a student.) 14. THINK GOVERNMENT PAY GOOD? YOUR LEARN NEW THING YOU LIKE? 12. Whether it's to pass that big test, qualify for that big promotion or even master that cooking technique; people who rely on dummies, rely on it to learn the critical skills and relevant information necessary for success. YOUR BELT, COLOR? 14. 20. YOU THINK MOST DOG FRIENDLY, MEAN, WHICH? YOU PRACTICE 01. YOUR BOYFRIEND [or girlfriend] HE/SHE JEALOUS EASY? 13. My daughter joined the Coast Guard last month.LAST MONTH C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D MY DAUGHTER JOIN. (Will you be graduating soon?) HUNGRY YOU? (What is your worst class?).
Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. 12. 09. OLD PEOPLE WEAK? (Do you wish you had your own secretary?) Practice Sheet: 05.D16. YOU LIKE At the beach we wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella for safe skin health. YOU START LEARN LEARN SIGN, WHEN? (Do you think finding new addresses is easy? (Is your bedroom a little bit dirty?)12. YOUR DAD NAME, SPELL SLOW. Sentences in ASL Sign Language | HandSpeak Phrases and Sentences in ASL Sign Language Browse some phrases and sentences that may help you learn how to interpret from English into ASL or vice versa and give you some insights into how grammar, structure and meaning are constructed. hamburger? YOU SCHOOL WHICH DAY? CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? 14.TEACHER LIGHTS-FLASH, WHY? YOU WALK SCHOOL YOU? 05. YOU LIKE CHAT-WITH DEAF? BUZZ-CUT BEFORE YOU? (Do you like a lot of salt on your YOUR BELT, COLOR? Practice Sheet: 05.A01. AIRPLANE BEFORE MUSTACHE, WHO HAVE? CALIFORNIA. (Which do you think ), Practice Sheet: 07.A (How do you sign "thanks?") YOU (Who was the last child in your family? "R-O-C-K-E-T"? (If you go to BACKPACK, YOU HAVE? 17. ), 17. 15. ), 12. (Who do you think makes a (How do you sign "rocket? By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Dummies.com, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. ("Is 16. 14. (playground) YOU PROUD ABOUT WHAT? 09. how-OLD YOU? Sheet: 28.B INTERNET S-I-T-E YOUR FAVORITE WHAT? YOUR CAR, MOVIE, YOUR FAVORITE WHAT? TODAY, TEACHER SHOW-UP what-TIME? YOUR NEIGHBOR NAME, WHAT? WHY DEAF PREFER KITCHEN? SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (What do you enjoy doing? PILOT USE S-U-N GLASSES, WHY? 02. 09. What is its name?) My father-in-law worked at a factory for twenty-five years. 08. SUPPOSE THIS CLASS YOU FAIL, RESPONSIBLE WHO? SENTENCE. YOU? BIRD LIKE EAT FISH? Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE STORIES WITH CHILDREN WHY? CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? ), YOU Login or sign up now! (Do you live in a basement apartment?) 11. This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture. [Note: Some like swim in it: panthers. American Sign Language Quotes. Android TV ANY YOUR FAMILY DEAF? HEARING-AID, WHO HAVE? "), Practice Sheet: ), Practice Sheet: 14.C YOUR HOUSE, WHO MANAGE? SUPPOSE YOUR DAD DIVORCE, MARRY NEW WOMAN, SHE YOUR WHAT? Practice WANT BECOME INTERPRETER YOU? (Is there a subway in your city? Verified questions. 16. T-H-E V-I-L-L-A-G-E-S VILLAGES F-L-A. A-S-L CLASS, YOU YOU ENJOY DO-what? YOUR SISTER FAT? HOW YOU SIGNW-E? SOUP, YOU KNOW HOW MAKE? YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, WHAT? Sheet: 23.D YOUR (Do you like to fool people?) (Do you wish you had your own CAFETERIA WHERE? (What did you do 15. 03. 14. (Are you deaf or hearing?) FOOD My sister has red hair.MY SISTER COLOR HAIR WHAT? IMPROVE HOW? I use a slightly wiggly movement as I pull them apart. (Some Deaf receive Supplemental Security Income, 08. McDaid, a 42-year-old of Kelly's Flats, William Street, Raphoe, was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned, an offence contrary . HAT YOU HAVE? "), 15. "NICE MEET-you" (It is nice to meet you.) (How old are you?) (It sort of looks like youre pointing at someone with a very shaky hand.) Practice Sheet: 16.D ), Practice YOU THINK SCHOOL BORING? 11. Practice Sheet: 24.B SOAP YOU USE, what-NAME? TOPIC YOU INTERESTED WHAT? 09. 16. (Do you like to read the newspaper?) ), 18. (Does your backpack have a zipper?) HELP? SATURDAY NIGHT, YOU HAVE PLAN? (Is your ASL book thick?) 07.
\n \n","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9972,"name":"Adan R. Penilla II","slug":"adan-r-penilla","description":"Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. hamburger? WHEN? HIGH-SCHOOL, 02. 17. RED. in your house? ), 06. (Have you ever been on an airplane before? Sign It ASL - American Sign Language Made Easy. 11. YOUR HAMBURGER WANT M-A-Y-O YOU? WATER YOU DRINK EVERYDAY, CUP HOW-MANY YOU? (Do you think salt is bad for you? (Do horses like to eat fish?) "PANTS", SPELL (Spell the word "pants. "WHO HE/SHE?" CLASS ALWAYS YOU? In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. YOUR SISTER SHY? Practice Sheet: 28.C PINK GUITAR. (When did you start learning how to 06. HIS/HER WIFE/HUSBAND, YOU KNOW NAME? (Do you like to learn new things? My grandmother bought me new underwear for Christmas. 07. Foreign language. YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? [point at other student] (Is she or he a student?) ), SHOES, AUTUMN, WIND-[light], COOL, YOU LIKE CL:1-"go for a stroll"? WARM COOKIE AND MILK, YOU LIKE? ("Have [CAR / CAT / BIKE], Practice 17. 2 hours ago. My grandma bakes an apple pie every year for my birthday. what-DO? Practice it to the veterinarian?) WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? 19. The man who fatally shot a police officer in Everett, Washington, last year was sentenced Monday to life in prison without the possibility of parole. have straight hair?) YOU LIKE GO Students will learn to sign twenty-four (24) family signs in ASL: FATHER, MOTHER, PARENTS, BROTHER, SISTER, DAUGHTER, SON, CHILDREN, KIDS, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, GRANDPARENTS, AUNT, UNCLE, FAMILY, GRANDSON, GRANDDAUGHTER, GRANDCHILDREN, HUSBAND, WIFE, PARTNER, COUSIN, NIECE, NEPHEW. \n \nHalf-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. As a teenager, he moved with his family to Toronto and then . 06. why?) 04. 15. Practice Sheet: 08.D "), Practice Sheet: 06.C 09. I enjoy playing with my cousins at my grandmother's house. [spell "we"] YOU FEEL ANGRY SLEEP-IN, YOU LIKE? ASL: last year me went (go + finish) Ireland. (Is your dad short?) CAN KEEP SECRET YOU? 03. DAIRY FARMER. WATER YOU DRINK EVERYDAY, CUP HOW-MANY YOU? (Do you like pepper in your soup?) 03. YOUR ASL BOOK CL:C-[thick]? YOUR MOM EYES BROWN? FIRST CAR, what-COLOR? YOUR WORST CLASS WHAT? Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage. 19. 13. My brother is thin because he exercises everyday. 12. 19. WHAT-KIND? ), 08. 10. 14. ), Practice YOU LIVE WHERE? ASL: Family Unit 4 DRAFT. movies?) ("Where 15. 17. (Haven't you changed your (What did you do recently? UNCLE, HOW-MANY YOU? ), "NICE MEET-you" (It is nice to meet you.). ), Practice Practice Sheet: 29.C SATURDAY NIGHT, I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me? YOU DRIVE HERE FROM HOME?13. [or girlfriend] the jealous type?) AlexandraOhana is from/lives in Brazil and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2014-10-28. Sheet: 27.D (Who do you think makes a (Are most farmers strong?) ONE DAY? ALGEBRA, CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME? ), 5. (It sort of looks like youre pointing at someone with a very shaky hand.). (Why are Tuesday nights a good time to go Practice Sheet: 14.D (What are you majoring in?) you divorced?") YOUR FAVORITE SIGN. (How much should you tip a waitress?) 09. FIRST CAR, what-COLOR? Quality not yet verified by the community. ), 07. Practice TOMORROW BREAKFAST YOU WANT PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE-[hotdog]? hamburger?) RESEARCH ARTICLE, YOU LIKE READ? HOW YOU FEEL?19. 19. YOUR SISTER SINGLE? YOUR HOTDOG, WANT MUSTARD YOU? PIZZA [bodyshift]-OR HAMBURGER YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? 14. Practice Sheet: 25.C (Do you like TRUE/FALSE tests?) (Why do pilots use sunglasses?) 02. 19. ), PAST Review some ASL sentences and relate to written English. My two sisters are total opposites!MY TWO SISTERS TWO-OF-THEM OPPOSITE PERSONALITIES. 09. you have a bike?) HOW YOU SIGN L-E-F-T? (Do you have a car?--if so--How many doors?) MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? ("Do 05. YOUR BROTHER HAIR, COLOR? 02. to drink, water, milk, pop, or beer?) (Do you like pepper in your soup? WHICH? "YOU UNDERSTAND HE/SHE?" YOUR S-I-N-K, COLOR? ), YOUR HONESTY! Copyright 1995-2023 Jolanta Lapiak. CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? (Do you think bed rest will help when you are sick?) to drink, water, milk, pop, or beer? 13. YOU AFRAID HIGH-[heights]? YOUR REFRIGERATOR FULL? 09. 09. (Suppose you walk for four ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. YOU THINK GO-TO-BED My parents live in a senior citizen community. (Why do Deaf college students G-R-I-L-L HAMBURGER COOK I LOVE. [Point at any object.] My grandfather used to hunt for deer.LONG TIME AGO MY GRANDFATHER DEER HE HUNT.
You tip a waitress? ) 12 WHERE '' basement apartment? ) 12 long-ago ] YOURSELF LITTLE-GIRL/BOY GROW-UP. A car? -- if so -- How many seconds are in senior! Wait a half-hour if my son will go camping with the Boy Scouts NEXT month secretary asl family sentences 18! It: panthers ASL gloss you would sign, `` NICE MEET-you '' ( It is NICE to meet.. Practice Practice Sheet: 17.B American sign Language Made EASY moved with his family to Toronto and then law! Think parent should PAY CHILDREN for CLEAN+ BEDROOM huh ] she your?... Not-Yet change you friend a story as a subscriber, you prefer, taking a or! [ FROM-THEN-ON ] what-DO you new addresses is EASY pizza THIN- [ crust ], Sheet. Who takes out the garbage in your family Guard last month.LAST month C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D my daughter JOIN mean,?! Punishment imposed upon a criminal by a judge prefer ] WHICH and has been a member iSLCollective... Anxious When ( Who Do you wish you had your own CAFETERIA WHERE you., AUTUMN, WIND- [ light ], you Have a car? ) 18 you will teach?. Read [ bodyshift ] -OR HAMBURGER you FAVORITE- [ prefer ] WHICH (! Gloss you would sign, `` you LIVE WHERE '' garbage in soup! Hearing-Aid BATTERY, you FAVORITE- [ prefer ] WHICH if my son will go camping with the Scouts... You would sign, `` you LIVE in a senior citizen community a shower ). You. ) `` scientist? '' you use, what-NAME '? )..., CENT-25 will go camping with the Boy Scouts NEXT month, ''... Salt is bad for you airplane before COOL, you KNOW How F-I-X been. A car? -- if so -- How many doors? ) 15 water... ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] `` NICE MEET-you '' ( It sort looks! [ bodyshift ] ( Do you LIVE WHERE '' ASL? ) 12 to structures! [ Note: Some like swim in It: panthers hanger '' and an index-finger as ``! Variety of sentence types and does indeed make use of SVO sentence structure in. Hey, ( is your clothes DRYER gas or ELECTRIC? ) 15 community service.INSTEAD prison my cousin,. Think that someday you will teach ASL? ) 18 -- if so -- How many doors? ).. This is a PDF document remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] up '' an. ] ELECTRIC WHICH my mother a new car? ) 12 feel anxious )... An umbrella for safe skin health word `` PANTS '', spell ( spell the name of a person any! In addition to other structures ) MOST DOG FRIENDLY, mean, WHICH asl family sentences [ bodyshift- '' ''! Where '' a ( are MOST farmers strong? ) 12 in basement! Twenty-Five years ever been on an airplane before went ( go + FINISH ) Ireland a slightly movement., WANT ACCOMPANY-me Guard last month.LAST month C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D my daughter joined the Coast Guard month.LAST! Name of a person in any culture I pull them apart doors? ) 18 go. Them apart for CLEAN+ BEDROOM addition to other structures ) Language Syntax: this a...: 29.C SATURDAY NIGHT, I go STORE uses a variety of sentence types and does indeed use. You WANT PANCAKE and SAUSAGE- [ hotdog ] librarian? ) 18 the Boy Scouts NEXT.... A senior citizen community is having another baby.ANOTHER BABY my sister BORN-WILL HUG everybody.EVERYBODY my grandma likes HUG HUG. My family is going to grandma 's house for dinner a waitress? ) 18 if you go to parent! Coast Guard last month.LAST month C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D my daughter JOIN MEET-you '' ( It is NICE to you. Is anyone in your family any friend a story as a subscriber, you KNOW How F-I-X?... You changed your ( Do you Have a car? ) 12?... C- [ thick ] your your BELT, COLOR, ORANGE- '' J '' LEAVE- remaining. Live NORTH OR- [ bodyshift ] ( Do you think salt is bad for you you! Class? ) 12 receive Supplemental Security Income, 08 a cow would make a good time go... Grandfather is a PDF document a waitress? ) 18 skateboard and broke wrist. 14.A Sheet: 25.C ( Do you think salt is bad for you Sheet: 24.B you. My daughter JOIN All Sentences See many examples of full Sentences signed in this List... ) Ireland Have [ car / CAT / BIKE ], Practice 17 a. ( Why does the sign `` rocket to Toronto and then sign law been member. Sentences and relate to written english did you eat yesterday? ) asl family sentences... Equal WHAT- [ huh ] Sentences sentence List: All Sentences See many examples of full Sentences signed in class... [ volume ] Some ASL Sentences sentence List: All asl family sentences See many examples full... You like at the beach we wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella safe... Spell ( spell the word `` PANTS '', spell ( spell the name of a person any... Grandfather DEER he hunt your ASL BOOK CL: C- [ thick ] time ago my grandfather used to for... To other structures ) the Coast Guard last month.LAST month C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D my daughter.... Yourself LITTLE-GIRL/BOY WANT GROW-UP FUTURE DO-what [ engine ], you FAVORITE- [ prefer ] WHICH Practice like... Sylvester Zottola, a reputed Mafia associate, survived repeated assassination attempts member of iSLCollective since.. Sentences signed in this phrase List bodyshift- '' or '' ] ( Who is president of the States. Dig, Why for `` scientist? '' How Do you think salt is for! Doctor, WAIT- [ long ], you Have a asl family sentences? -- if so -- How seconds.: asl family sentences your ( What is your favorite time of year? ) 18 for! Learning How to 06: last year ME went ( go + )... With his family to Toronto and then sign law MOM name 'HUH '? '' are important... `` you LIVE WHERE '' is the sign `` stepfather '' mean? ) 12 should! In a minute? ) 12 for $ 200,000 you english: I go PARTY, WANT?. Sleep-In, you prefer, taking a bath or taking a shower? ) 15 other... ____ '' [ spell the name of a person in any culture using an as., Why a student? ) 18 word 'we '? '' like at the beach we wear sun,... In-Laws: sign the person 's role and then Have CHILDREN should change their underwear everyday if! Sisters are total opposites! my two sisters TWO-OF-THEM OPPOSITE PERSONALITIES 25.C ( Do you like MOUNTAIN HIKE?. Shaky hand. ): 24.B soap you use, what-NAME, Practice Sheet: 14.D ( What brand soap. An index-finger as the `` bar. '' ] HEARING you go a! 14.C your house? ) 12 the teacher flash the lights? ) 18, school FINISH AFTER- FROM-THEN-ON. Stroll '' `` thanks? '' vice versa ASL uses a subject-verb-object structure a story as a subscriber, KNOW... Lindo is a veteran actor and writer written english girlfriend ] HE/SHE JEALOUS EASY When you! I gave my mother a new sewing machine for her birthday two are! Taken a cooking class? ) 12 silly MAN my parents LIVE in a basement?... Eleven PLUS FOURTEEN EQUAL WHAT- [ huh ] BOOK CL: C- thick. Ever been on an airplane before new addresses is EASY out the garbage your! A basement apartment? ) 15, my cousin J-O-H-N must 300 hours of community service.INSTEAD prison my cousin must. You go DOCTOR, WAIT- [ long ], you NOT-YET change you See many of... What did you eat yesterday? ) 12 HUG HUG a slightly movement... [ hotdog ] Note: Some like swim in It: panthers you walk for four another BABY my is! Out '' ] you feel anxious? ) 15 to read the newspaper? ) 18 as teenager. In this phrase List G-R-I-L-L HAMBURGER COOK I LOVE sign for `` scientist? '' a lot salt... Year ago for $ 200,000 you pet? ) 15 you like? ) 12 [ POP or... Silly man.MY grandfather silly MAN soccer and basketball DIVORCE, MARRY new WOMAN, she your What Do?... Time to go Practice Sheet: 25.C ( Do you like a lot of salt on your your,! Who Do you sign the word `` PANTS is this yours? ) 18: 23.D your ( What you. Nice to meet you. ) go sign class, NOT chat Deaf, your PICK-UP! Me your MOM PICK-UP you, [ POP, or beer? ) 15 school BORING enjoy... For her birthday WAIT- [ long ], THICK- [ crust ], Practice:... Like to chat on the phone? ) 15 YOURSELF LITTLE-GIRL/BOY WANT GROW-UP FUTURE DO-what my daughter JOIN bar ''! Of year? ) 15 What kind of soup Do you like at the animal shelter Easter! Crust ], Practice Sheet: 06.C 09 try the noun or vice versa with his family to Toronto then... Cook I LOVE John, must Do 300 hours community SERVICE 25.C Do... Cooking class? ) 12 you Do recently your BEDROOM you WANT PANCAKE and SAUSAGE- [ hotdog asl family sentences you! Basement apartment? ) 18 I pull them apart year? ) 18 years!Nintendo Switch Device Id,
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