what fruits can guinea pigs eat

Below is a list of food guinea pigs can eat every day: Asparagus, Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Lettuce, Zucchini, Artichoke, Dill, and Sweet Potato Leaves . Status Not only fruits act as a treat, which helps us train our guinea pigs but also carries a lot of nutritional values in them. Both the fruits and vegetables that we supply to our pet, must have a high nutritional value. Our comprehensive guinea pig food list of over 60 fruit and veg tells you how often it is safe to feed these foods to your guinea pigs. Make sure the banana is ripe (not green!) However, bananas contain 12% sugar and hence need to be provided to guinea pigs in controlled quantities only. Guinea Pig Diet. Guinea pigs in the wild get their vitamin C from fresh grass sources. Potatoes contain alkaloids that are toxic to guinea pigs, and therefore should not be fed in any situations. Be sure to de-seed any pieces of apples before giving them to your guinea pigs. We've reviewed pretty much all of them that we can and so here is a list of all the fruits that guinea pigs can eat and how often they can be eaten. Complete list of fruits and vegetables for guinea pig. Guinea pigs are herbivores, so their diet should be one based on high-quality guinea pig hay, pelleted guinea pig food and limited amounts of fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Nutritional needs. They contain alkaloid poisons that can kill your guinea pig, even in small amounts. Fruits by their nature are quite sweet and acidic, so you may find me . Excessive amount of fruits. Apples, apricots, watermelon, pears, strawberries, plums, oranges, kiwi, raspberries, and blueberries can be fed in limited quantities. It's still not something to worry too much about. We've talked about all the food that guinea pigs can eat and the list is extensive as long as you feed in moderation. You need to make sure these types of items are only fed a few times per week or in balance with the other foods that you are selecting for your piggies! Vegetables and fruits are great treats to offer your guinea pig. Walnuts, Peanuts, And Any Nuts Guinea pigs can safely consume the following fruits in limited quantities, along with some fresh hay and veggies. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Fruits? Berries taste delicious to your guinea pig, but they are relatively low in sugar and carbohydrates in comparison to other fruits. If your pet does not eat all of their 1/4 - 1/2 cup of fruits and vegetables within 12-24 hours, then you need to dispose of it for them. Guinea pigs can eat a lot of different types of fruit. Not only do the seeds have some arsenic in them, but they can be a choking hazard. A small slice of banana is enough. They also enjoy eating plants such as chickweed and dandelion leaves. They can be yellow, red, purple, and green. It is only allowed to eat what the bottlefeeder will allow. If you do serve dry cereal to your guinea pigs, only do so as an occasional treat. Hay and grass should make up the majority of your Guinea Pig's diet. For more foods that guinea pigs can and can't eat, check out our guinea pig food list. The downside is that fruit for guinea pigs is often high in sugar, despite its benefit. Their preferred hay is timothy and meadow. "Daily small amounts of veggies and fruit should be fed, but use a variety of veggies and fruits to ensure proper vitamins and minerals are consumed." "Think small! I wrote a long section on my guide "Before And After Getting Your Puppy" about a list of fruits and vegetables that guinea pigs can and can't eat. Guinea pigs can eat the fruit of the tomato safely if kept in moderation. Fruits for Guinea Pigs Fruits should be handled as sweets for cavies and not to be provided too much (may be once a week) because of its fructose and fruit acids. You or I might drink a glass of orange juice, eat a packet of fruit snacks, or take a multivitamin. Can guinea pigs eat apples? - Dr. Edele Grey, DVM However, never feed the leaves or stem of tomatoes to a guinea pig. What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat? before you feed it to your pet. But fruits for guinea pigs . Guinea pigs should not eat Any food high in sugar content. The following fruits for guinea pigs are safe to eat in small amounts alongside a balanced diet of fresh hay and leafy greens. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apple Skin? Small, bite-sized portions of fruit served daily will delight your guinea pig and provide much-needed Vitamin C. Fruits guinea pigs can eat include: Oranges Apples Pears Strawberries Blueberries Kiwi Papayas Peaches Cucumbers Remember to also thoroughly wash all fruits before serving them to your guinea pig and avoid serving fruit cold. Eating the same fruits and vegetables day after day can cause intestinal problems; for instance, eating to much lettuce can cause diarrhea. So, you can keep the apple peel on when feeding it to your Guinea Pig. Guinea pigs absolutely love to eat veggies and fruits such as cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, apples, and pears. Some of the most commonly available tropical fruits that are safe to feed your guinea pig include: Starfruit Mango Papaya Pineapples Bananas Stone Fruits Stone fruits are fleshy fruits that contain a hard "stone" or pit in the middle. Fresh fruit peel is also a great way to give your Guinea Pig something nutritious and delicious. Remember too that they tend to be picky eaters, so the freshness of the food and water is something that they demand from you. Guinea pigs are vegetarians but can have different nutritional requirements to humans, which is why they should eat specially formulated guinea pig food too. Satsumas 10. Continue Reading. (Unless organics) These are very dangerous to your pets so always give an extra thorough wash befor. Pomelos 7. Some good fruits and vegetables to offer include: parsley, romaine lettuce, tomato, green pepper, banana, cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, and blueberries. Great for almost any snack, but the higher calcium amount is cause for losing a point. Yes, guinea pigs can eat kiwis. Passionfruit - Passion fruits are round or oval. Well, one thing we know for sure is that guinea pigs are herbivorous animals. For example, they can eat blueberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon, passion fruit, melons, bananas, and many more. A once or twice a week strawberry treat is considered ideal for a guinea pig. Cabbage, broccoli, kale, and cauliflower can cause bloat and should only be fed in very small quantities. Although in both the categories there are some restrictions. 12 Foods Guinea Pigs Can Eat in Moderation: Fresh hay, commercial pellets, and fresh veggies should be the staples of your guinea pig's diet. Guinea pigs can eat strawberries, and they can also eat the green leafy tops of strawberries. Never offer your guinea pig anything from a bulb (onion, garlic, leek, potato) as these are toxic to guinea pigs. Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, but they are incredibly high in sugar. Fruits are also rich in antioxidants, which helps in the prevention of a lot of diseases. Fruits are one of the worst for chemicals and pesticides. Kumquat Citrus Fruits You Want To Avoid Giving To Your Guinea Pigs Final Thoughts About What Citrus Fruits Guinea Pigs Can Eat This means that their diet is made up solely of high-quality hay and grass, vegetable-based mixes and pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables (more on this later).They must not eat meat, dairy or egg-based foods. Apple peel can be safely eaten by our furry friends as it contains vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for them to stay healthy. Your guinea pig is more than just a pet. Pet guinea pigs receive supplemental vitamin C from leafy greens, fruit and veggies, specialty fortified pellets or supplemental droplets placed in their water bottles. They are very acidic and sweet for piggies though. One guinea pig needs unlimited hay, 1/8 cup of pellets (so 1/4 for two), and around one cup of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Meat (guinea pigs are herbivores, and cannot eat or digest any meat) Mushrooms Rhubarb Avocados (the skin is toxic, the flesh is just super fatty) Peanut Butter Unripe Tomatoes/Tomato Leaves/Stems (the rest of the tomato is fine, and nutritious) To be safe, don't let your cavies munch on any of these food items. Bananas contain vitamin C, A, carbohydrates, and fiber thereby making them a great food for guinea pigs. THE Guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus ) is an herbivorous rodent that feeds mainly on hay, a dry legume that guarantees the intake of essential fibers and is also essential for intestinal mobility.. It's rich in many useful ingredients especially vitamin c, antioxidants, and fibers. In general, a guinea pig needs 10-50 mg vitamin C every day, depending on its condition/age. Apples Plums Apricots Bananas Melon (all types!) A guinea pig can eat many different foods, but it is important that they get at least 16% of their total diet from protein, 5% from fat and more than 50% from carbohydrates. Guinea pigs are herbivores. Consider fruits and vegetables to be snacks for your guinea pig. Consider fruits and vegetables to be snacks for your guinea pig. You can also feed small portions of vegetables and it's essential to include plenty of vitamin C. Read our list of what hay, veg and fruit you can feed, as well as what you can't. When guinea pigs aren't munching on fruits and veggies, you'll find them eating hay. As mentioned earlier, although there are certain fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat, eating too much of them can cause several health concerns. What fruit can guinea pigs eat? Pelleted food can provide a little snack too, but aim for less than about 1/8 cup daily for an adult cavy. Yes, strawberries are fruits that guinea pigs are allowed to eat. Guinea pigs are vegetarians but can have different nutritional requirements to humans, which is why they should eat specially formulated guinea pig food too. Guinea pigs can eat bananas and banana skin/peel. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Avocados? "Rule of thumb: veggies about 3/4 cup per day; fruit about 1/3 cup per day." Not all fruits are the same and so require discretion as to how often you feed it to them. Some Fruits Guinea Pigs Eat: Blueberries Raspberry plant leaves Papaya Peach, Pears, Nectarines, Plum Starfruit Strawberries Watermelon rind Kiwi What Can't Guinea Pigs Eat? Guinea pigs can eat a wide variety of plant-based foods. Some fruits, such as apples and oranges, offer great benefits to your guinea. Zucchini contains a lot of Vitamin C, yet it has a relatively low calcium content, which is just what guinea pigs need. The question of what can guinea pigs eat daily, always keep in mind that these cute guys are herbivores and hay is one of the foods that they have to munch on every day. Offering plain pellets prevents your guinea pig from picking through a mix of things and eating only the parts he or she likes, which can sabotage your attempts to provide proper vitamin C and nutrition. Junk Foods. The Yes And No Of Fruits And Vegetables For Guinea Pigs. It is also packed with fiber, which is important in maintaining your pig's good digestive system. Their ideal diet will include: A constant supply of good quality feeding hay or grass. The Best Veggies for Guinea Pigs: Guinea Pig Diet In-Depth Guide What can be included in a Guinea Pig's Diet? Guinea Pig's diet should consist of unlimited amount of hay, about 1 cup of vegetables a day, and 1/8 cups of pellets a day (with fortified vitamin c, if the vegetables given does not contain enough vitamin).. Final Thoughts Some other fruits that pigs can eat but not on this list are beets, mango, pomelo, melon, grapefruit, kiwi, coconut, and pitted apricot and peach. In captivity you have to know what's good for them and what isn't, as they don't always know good from bad when it comes to fruit and veg. The strawberry is a perfect snack for guinea pigs because of all of its vitamins and minerals and its sweet taste. Fruits should be offered more sparingly than vegetables. Moderation = A couple little cubes of banana is enough for one guinea pig. Blueberries Cranberries Strawberries (including the leafy green tops) Raspberries Cucumber Oranges Pears Cherries Red tomatoes Kiwi Mango Papaya Snack Rating Four out of five points. Most stone fruits are members of the rose family, but not all fruits from the rose family are stone fruits. You can use these as extra-special offerings to help bond with your guinea pig or as treats for training. Their preferred hay is timothy and meadow. The answer is yes. Even more calcium can be found in strawberries, which could lead to bladder or kidney stones. If you are going to feed them tomatoes, be sure to cut off any leaves or stems. Especially that you contain the minerals and vitamins necessary to avoid contracting diseases, very common in these animals.Especially vitamin C, which can not synthesize the guinea pig and thus raise its defenses. This can consist of vegetables, fruits, hay and pellets which should be specifically designed for guinea pigs as they cannot chew harder food such as hardwood sticks or nuts. To supplement a guinea pigs diet and provide them with important vitamins and minerals, it is great to feed your piggies vegetables and fruit. Your guinea pig's diet. All of which are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Our comprehensive guinea pig food list of over 60 fruit and veg tells you how often it is safe to feed these foods to your guinea pigs. They can develop upset stomachs or serious illness if they eat something they shouldn't. Grass For Guinea Pigs. This can make a guinea pig very sick or even die, so it's important to get at least 10mg of Vitamin C into their systems each day. Most guinea pigs will enjoy the tops more than the rest of the fruit! Some good fruits and vegetables to offer include: parsley, romaine lettuce, tomato, green pepper, banana, cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, and blueberries. Vegetables that guinea pigs can eat are, Peas, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, kale, dark green veggies, tomatoes, and green, red bell peppers. While technically another fruit, zucchini is perhaps the very best vegetable to feed your guinea pig. Also, any pickled or brined vegetables, including canned olives and the like, should be avoided. Good fresh foods to feed your guinea pig include: Bananas Blueberries Cantaloupe Green peppers Parsley Green and red leaf lettuce Strawberries Tomatoes Watermelon Zucchini. Complete list of fruits and vegetables for guinea pig. Some fruits and vegetables hold large amounts of vitamin C, such as: Guava (228 mg / 100 g) Thyme (160 mg / 100 g) This should make up at least 80% of their food - it's really important for their teeth and their digestive system. Beyond the pellets, which should be offered in a moderate way, the guinea pig needs an external contribution of vitamin C, through the consumption . Guinea pigs should eat varied fruits and vegetables to ensure their diet is properly balanced. If in doubt, we recommend that you call your local vet to get a proper assessment of your guinea pig's recommended daily intake. Can guinea pigs eat citrus fruit? Blood Oranges 9. In addition to foods guinea pigs CAN eat, we also have foods you should avoid feeding your pet. Yes, guinea pigs can eat bananas. These are foods that your Guinea Pigs will probably want to eat a lot of…the thing is, they have a lot of sugar or calcium. What can Guinea Pigs eat? Which fruits can guinea pigs eat? The best fruits to feed your guinea pig include most berries, such as blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries. …. apple An apple is a good snack for guinea pigs a few times every two weeks, But it can lead to health problems to the guinea pigs body. Before we warn you which foods are off the limit due to high sugar content, it would be good to make sure you are aware of the basics of feeding a guinea pig. Other foods that can be given to guinea pigs are oatmeal, brown rice, barley, whole wheat, soybean sprouts, etc. Guinea pigs are herbivores - meaning they only eat plants. Pigs forage for their food and most often seek out roots, acorns, various tubers, fruits, mushrooms, grass, and bulbs. The rest of guinea pig's diet should a variety of fresh greens, some fruits and veggies, lots of fresh clean water, herbs, and edible flowers.

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