how does the equality act 2010 affect teachers

Diversity is about recognising and respecting these . The Equality Act 2010 provides Britain with a discrimination law that protects individuals from being mistreated and encourages a more equal and fair society. Department for Education guidance to help schools understand how the Equality Act affects them and how to fulfil their duties under the act. A child's social class is a major factor in the life chances and the outcomes they are likely to receive in later life. Equality recognises the many different needs of people to be able to access the same opportunities." (Machin, et al., 2016, p. 151) Department For Education, 2014. . The 2010 Equality Act unites a range of anti-discrimination legislation and compounds it into a single, comprehensive law. Contemporary Issues in Lifelong Learning.. 1st ed. The Act came into effect on 1 October 2010. It also introduces a new public sector equality duty on all public bodies, including colleges and schools, with the aims of: eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation The Act provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law, covering all the types of discrimination that are unlawful. Where teachers/lecturers are employed by: The Act cannot be seen in isolation from other legislative rights e.g. ET . The Equality Act 2010was harmonising legislation which replaced existing legislation and introduced some further protections. What the Act states is that employers must not: There are now important differences to definitions, and additional rights - it will be important for all school employers to be aware of these. Equality and Diversity Legislation in Education. Also, schools must not discriminate for a reason arising from . This guidance recommends a new lighter touch to the implementation of the Equality Act than first published and aims to remove some of the former tick boxing exercises and bureaucracy. Equality is about fostering an individual's right to be valued, and having choice and dignity with a right to your own beliefs, values and ethics. First, it would mandate that schools across the country allow students who identify as transgender to access the opposite sex's . The Equality Act 2010 and schools, London: Department For Education. Further changes were implemented in 2011, when new regulations on the Public Sector Equality Duties were passed. The use of equality and diversity enables children to understand the importance of not discriminating other children that are under the Equality Act 2010. Guidance to help schools understand how the Equality Act affects them and how to fulfil their duties under the act. Social justice leaders move beyond equality debates to equity debates, by setting out to change systems, processes and structures to better respond to the needs of all (Dantley and Tillman, 2006), and '…a social justice leader interprets their role as not one which is limited to being a teacher or leader, but also one of activism, working . The Equality Act (2010) prohibits discrimination (whether direct or indirect) against people who possess one of the protected characteristics, listed above. Equality Act 2010. Diagram showing classroom Equality and diversity. 2. definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010. includes people with a physical or sensory impairment, people with a learning disability and people experiencing mental distress, as well as people with other long term conditions that have a substantial and long term effect on the ability to carry out daily activities. Equality Act 2010: advice for schools. The Children and Social Work Act 2017. My interest lies primarily with teaching new skills to older and disabled people. It would safeguard job protections for LGBTQ teachers and could empower other educators to teach inclusively without fear of being fired, Arredondo said. Equality is about encouraging everybody's right to be unique or different, about being free from all forms of discrimination. It takes all previous equalities legislation and combines them into one overarching act. Employment Protection Act or the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Taking this a step further, I summarise the codes of practice for equality and diversity for the Lancashire Adult College. More specifically, equality is about ensuring individuals are treated fairly and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Equality Act 2010 Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability 3 Status and purpose of the guidance This guidance is issued by the Secretary of State under section 6(5) of the Equality Act 2010. Text created by the government department responsible for the subject matter of the Act to explain what the Act sets out to achieve and to make the Act accessible to readers who are not legally qualified. The teacher shouts at Amir and the situation escalates to a point where the pupil lashes out at the teacher. This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. From my experience in this pre-school, the teachers work with children to have an impact on a child's life by teaching them the importance of equality of children and adults. There is a dedicated page to explain what Autism is and how it affects how people with the condition perceive the world and interact with others. Recently Viewed and Downloaded › Recently Viewed › Recently Downloaded . 2014 г. She is a lesbian and began regularly experiencing . These are called "protected characteristics". For example: an employee believes that white people are a superior race to others and tells their colleagues so: this would not be classed as a belief protected under the Equality Act TwinklCares . But reading the text of the Equality Act, House . The Equality Act 2010 replaced nine major pieces of legislation and should make it easier for school leaders and governors to understand their legal responsibilities and tackle inequalities in education. Published. From: Department for Education. The Equality Act also says that a belief must also be worthy of respect in a democratic society and not affect other people's fundamental rights. The Equality Act will simply ensure these guarantees to all our nation's students regardless of zip code. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to. And finally, I will apply this equality and diversity policy to my teaching situation. Although reference to education is made to the Equality Act, this is reserved only for the treatment of disabled or SEN pupils. It simplifies the law and it extends protection from discrimination in some areas. The Equality Act would put parental rights to make decisions about their children's medical treatment and education at risk. The legislation was intended to harmonise a number of different pieces of legislation to provide a single Act to harmonise the law and provide a single framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance the principle of equality for all persons. The Equality Act codifies current case law ensuring that transgender students are treated consistent with their gender identity, including when accessing locker rooms and restroom facilities. This will be supplemented with the importance of the Equality Act 2010. It applies to public bodies, including maintained schools and academies, and extends to all protected characteristics - race, disability, sex, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and . The Equality Act 2010 is the legislation surrounding the topics of equality and diversity. . As far as schools are concerned, for the most part, the effect of the current law is the same as it has been in the past - meaning that schools cannot unlawfully 'Mental impairments' include autism, a lifelong disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with . The Equality Act 2010 is the legislation surrounding the topics of equality and diversity. The Equality Act 2010 provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law. The Equality Act doesn't change that. Obviously, America is not China and the Equality Act is not a social credit system. The Equality Act 2010 There's no specific reference to interviewing in the Equality Act 2010. definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010. includes people with a physical or sensory impairment, people with a learning disability and people experiencing mental distress, as well as people with other long term conditions that have a substantial and long term effect on the ability to carry out daily activities. The contractual relationships of teachers/lecturers with their employers may be influenced by the Human Rights Act, 1998, depending on who their employers are. The Equality Act 2010 protects children, young people and adults against discrimination, harassment and victimisation in relation to housing, education, clubs, the provision of services and work. In May 2014 the DfE published 'The Equality Act 2010 and schools: departmental advice for school leaders, school staff, governing bodies and local authorities'. gender reassignment . The Equality Act 2010 is a set of laws implemented by the UK government to protect the rights of individuals in society, and advance equal opportunities for everyone. Equality is the removal of discrimination, disadvantage, inequality and / or barriers which can affect people on the grounds of the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The Equality Act 2010 allows for the introduction of the concept of dual discrimination, where an individual who believes that he or she has been treated less favourably because of a combination of two protected characteristics can bring a combined claim. How the Data Protection Act affects schools. The Education Act is founded on the principles and proposals in the Department for Education November 2010 White Paper, The Importance of Teaching (CM-7980). Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. These include age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and . The Equality Act could change that. This can cover all areas of society, but whatever the area, it works on the basis of nine protected characteristics: The Act includes a public sector equality duty. The Equality Act simply ensures that when employers, businesses, and others serving the public are operating for non-religious or commercial purposes, they can't turn an LGBTQ person away simply because of who they are. The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. This article will look at how the Act affects the recruitment process. Equality and diversity, or multiculturalism, is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. Discrimination is broadly unfair treatment related to: sexual orientation. teachers, professionals and Health and Social Care workers. There is a lack of Black teachers in schools, especially amongst senior staff. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act), [1] which came into force from October 2010, provides a clear and comprehensive Act to deal with previous challenges relating to discrimination and promotes equality. U.S. 'Equality Act' Would Affect Society in Numerous Ways. Maidenhead: Open . Equality Act 2010. [2] The Act is part of the fifth generation of legislation in the Britain relating to the promotion of equality. Information on . In this document, any reference to 'the Act' means the Equality Act 2010. The Act also places obligations on the public sector to advance equality and contains detailed provisions relating to . The aim is to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not 'different' in a negative way.1 сент. 11/16/2014 37 Where does the Act apply? and behaviours that affect how it feels to work in or engage with the British Council. The Equality Act would mandate government-imposed inequality and unfairness by requiring acceptance of a particular ideology about sexual ethics, while leaving no room for differing opinions and legitimate public debate . Amir is excluded from school for two days for assaulting the teacher." Source: 36. The Equality Act 2010 says that a pupil has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The Equality Act 2010 aims to prevent discrimination in the workplace. disability. The first effect of the Equal Pay Act 1970 was to remove separate lower women's rates of pay. But the responsibility isn't just with protecting the physical form - it also comes down to the protection of any information or data you hold. The Equality Act 2010 provides a modern, single legal framework, and a clearer, more streamlined law that will be more effective at tackling disadvantage and discrimination. This requires public bodies, including . Teachers and the support staff's work has been affected directly by the act and they need to have training or guidance in its implementation. 5. That's why the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, and the National Association of School Superintendents support the Equality Act. Schools had obligations not to discriminate against people with a protected characteristic under previous equality legislation. As an education provider, you have a responsibility to protect your students, staff and school. You also have protection from victimisation if your parents or brothers and sisters have made a complaint under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to education. The Equality Act includes nine characteristics that must be considered when promoting diversity and equality in the classroom: Age. The Equal Pay Act has now become part of the 2010 Equality Act. It's called the Equality Act, and it's one of the most important laws that protect people in the UK from discrimination today. Membership . The Equality Act 2010 introduces a single equality duty on public bodies such as schools. The Act's principal aims are to safeguard human rights, ensure fairness and protect people from discrimination in the workplace, and while accessing . The Equality Act 2010. This act brings together and replaces numerous anti-discrimination laws passed since 1970, covering equal pay, gender, sexual orientation, race, and much more. The House of Representatives voted on Thursday to pass the Equality Act, a bill that would ban discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender . 85.9% of all teachers in state-funded schools in England are White British, compared to 78.5% of the working age population (2011 census). Equality and Diversity Legislation in Education. The Equality Act 2010 is a single source of discriminati on law, setting out who is protected and the types of discrimination that are unlawful. Jane Lane and Brenda Parkes. The curriculum should meet the needs of people with all of the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 and extend understanding of equality, diversity and inclusionto all learners. It also prohibits the harassment and victimisation of such people. The Equality Act would ultimately lead to the erasure of women . The Children Act 1989 (as amended). This will be supplemented with the importance of the Equality Act 2010. But how does it actually work? Given the lack of qualified legal representatives who use BSL, it follows that invoking the Equality Act 2010 is generally intimidating, burdensome and inaccessible. The Equality Act 2010. applying a behaviour policy in the same way to everyone which leads to a disabled child's exclusion). A physical or mental impairment includes: Learning difficulties Mental health conditions Medical conditions Updated Feb. 25, 4:39 p.m. Summary and Background. MYTH: This legislation will allow boys to compete on girls' sports teams. Disability. Disability. Monday, March 19, 2012. The Equality Act 2010 simplifies the current laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation. The Act includes measures to increase the authority of teachers to discipline pupils and ensure good behaviour, with a general power to search pupils for items banned under the school's rules, the ability to . It is illegal to discriminate against workers based on nine protected characteristics: age. Before 1970, it was common practice in the private sector and some parts of the public sector for there to be separate, and lower, women's rates of pay. Under the Equality Act 2010, we have a legal duty as a public body to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity, eliminate unlawful discrimination and foster good relations between key equality strands. In 2010 an Act of Parliament was passed consolidating a wide range of rules on equality and discrimination. The Equality Act is legislation that would massively overhaul our federal civil rights framework in order to mandate special privileges for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), expand abortion access, and gut religious liberty—leaving many to suffer the consequences, including women, children, medical professionals, parents, teachers, students, families (including small business . Bill Bolloten explains what schools need to know. Taking this a step further, I summarise the codes of practice for equality and diversity for the Lancashire Adult College. The introduction to Equality Act 2010 Equality Act 2010 is an act of the Parliament of United Kingdom which taking effect from October 2010 prescribes an equal treatment in access to employment as well as private and public services. Olivia was a teacher at a school. The United Nations convention on the Rights of the Child 1992. 3. Shown Here: Passed House (02/25/2021) Equality Act. Anti-discrimination law existed before the Equality Act 2010. Discrimination because of association and perception The Equality Act 2010 gives you protection from discrimination if you are treated unfairly because you On 1 October 2010, the Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act. Nursery Management: The Equality Act 2010 - Acting to end discrimination. Simply put, the Equality Act mandates an anti -life, anti-family, and anti-faith agenda throughout Under the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful for any education provider, including a private or independent provider, to discriminate between pupils on grounds of disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, or sex. The Equality Act 2010 aims to narrow the gap between social classes, tackles barriers that are holding children back and gives everyone the opportunity to achieve their full potential and contribute in their own way to society. What does this mean for teachers? It is the dominant piece of equality legislation in the United Kingdom. The materials . The Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act does the same, with certain provisions particularly affecting the recruitment process. And finally, I will apply this equality and diversity policy to my teaching situation. These reports were produced by the Centre for Research in Social Policy and the International Centre for Public and Social Policy on behalf of the Government Equalities Office. Revised in August 2012, this briefing gives up to date information on equality legislation, focusing specifically on how this impacts on the day to day running of HEIs and colleges. Under the Equality Act 2010 a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term (a year or more) adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. So depending on your circumstances, the new Act may protect you more. This can cover all areas of society, but whatever the area, it works on the basis of nine protected characteristics: The Act includes a public sector equality duty. The Equality Act prohibits discrimination in employment by any school receiving federal funds. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019. Equality Act:2010. In England and Wales the Act applies to all maintained schools, independent schools, including academies, and maintained and non-maintained special schools. The Education Act 2002. The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single 'Public Sector Equality Duty' (PSED) which may also be referred to as the 'general duty'. The Equality Act specifically protects the rights of people who hold characteristics in one or more of the following groups: race, disability, sex, age, religion or . not allowing a disabled child on a school trip or not auditioning them for the school play) or indirectly (e.g. The Equality Act 2010. Home . Building Equality into the Curriculum Toolkit for learning providers Equality and Diversity UK . Schools must not discriminate directly (e.g. The teacher tells Amir to leave the building but the pupil is frozen to the spot. Close x. The Equality Act includes nine characteristics that must be considered when promoting diversity and equality in the classroom: Age. contract type, most notably between UK and locally contracted staff, teachers and examiners. Duckworth, V. & Tummons, J., 2010. Explanatory Notes were introduced in 1999 and accompany all Public Acts except Appropriation, Consolidated Fund, Finance . In 2010 most of the Disability Discrimination Act was replaced by duties in the Equality Act 2010 (EqA). Women. guidance explains what the Equality Act 2010 does and doesn't say about interviewing, and what employers can do to avoid bias and discrimination in the interview process. • Equality Act 2010 and specific Equality duties for Wales; . The key legislation that may apply includes: Equality Act 2010 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Equality Act 2010 gives legal protection against deliberate or inadvertent discrimination to people with one or more protected characteristics, which include: Age Disability Race Religion/belief Gender Sexual . Great Britain's Equality Act 2010, Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1988 and other . The Equality Act 2010 replaced nine major Acts of Parliament, as well as almost a hundred sets of regulations, dealing with equality and discrimination. The details of recent equality legislation are wide-ranging, and early years settings need to make sure they comply with the Act. This requires public bodies, including . Jane Lane and Brenda Parkes provide a guide. Also, it makes the law stronger in some areas. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. The Department for Education (DfE) consulted on further changes to schools' duties and these came into force in September 2012. This briefing summarises key issues in the Equality Act 2010 for higher education institutions, colleges and other 'designated institutions'. The Equality Act 2010, (The Equality Act), section 6 says that someone has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. 'Protected characteristics'. In November 2012, the Government published a series of reports as part of its evaluation of the impact of the Equality Act 2010. The Children and Families Act 2014. Equality Act 2010 places the onus on Deaf individuals to enforce their rights through the courts on a case by case without full access to the legal system. Schools: The Equality Act would also affect children at school. Most of the Equality Act will start to apply in October 2010 and this guide covers the main changes coming into effect then. 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